From the camera of Merrilee Adler (with Tinky Winky in tow). You can purchase images by contacting the artist via email.
Vauther's Church, Essex County, VA - 04 DEC 2010
It is my habit when traveling from town to town to make it a site-seeing quest, trying to find that one great cemetery, I forgo the freeways & turnpikes and take side roads because one never knows what they will find...and sure enough, some of my most interesting photographs have been taken on my way to my photographic quest. That is how I found Vauter's Church...actually sped pass it and had to turn around to take a closer look.There wasn't much of a cemetery and it was bitterly cold so I didn't want to spend much time outside the car.
While walking past the church, like a cat spotting a mouse, I was mesmerized by the reflections in the hand-blown glass windows. This was part of the results: