1925 Solid Glass Adult Casket |
This Houston museum houses the country’s largest collection of funeral service artifacts.
Large One in Back, Custom-Made Family Coffin |
When I was here in 1994 it was slightly rustic and a third the size of today’s very polished presentation.
Cold Air Ice Casket |
They have several novelty caskets…
Wicker Ambulance Basket |
Fantasy Coffins of Kane Quaye |
Spend Eternity in an Onion |
1900s Railroad Baggage Cart |
1900s Children’s White Hearse |
1939 Superior-Lasalle Mount Claire Hearse |
There are many cars…all of them hearses.
1951 Superior-Cadillac Landaulet Hearse |
1921 Rockfalls Hearse |
It's hand-carved body is composed of six types of wood.
In 1994, they had several coffins, caskets, historical hearses, and the history of embalming, but now they have several more exhibits including: Presidential Funerals, Celebrating the Lives and Deaths of the Popes, Egyptian Funeral Practices, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Japanese Funerals, Day of the Dead and 19th Century Mourning Customs.
Halloween Classic Car Show |
Sign reads: The Basket Case Orgin – During the Civil War era, the soldiers that had their legs amputated because of battle field injury or disease were carried around in a wicker basket and were know as a “basket cate”. Thereafter the deceased were removed from their place of death in a wicker basket.
Historic Coffin Parts |
19th Century Mourning Costumes |
1855 Victorian Hair Wreath Shadow Box |
Items Made From Human Hair |
1920’s Mourning Quilt Made From Floral Ribbons |
I warned Tinky Winky about playing with plastic bags.