From the camera of Merrilee Adler (with Tinky Winky in tow). You can purchase images by contacting the artist via email.
Heidelberg Altstadt (Old Town), Germany – 6 FEB 2011
On the way to the Alstadt, I passed this building with a plaque which stated: Bergheimerstrasse 20, Dr. Jose Rizal (1861-1896), Philippine national hero practiced his Rizal eye medicine here, from February to August 1886 under Professor Dr. Otto Becker director of the University Eye-clinic. This was one of the panels on a door, it was about 5"x5":
Then I reached the Alstadt...about 10 blocks from my hotel, it is the oldest section of town that is now a shopping/walking/eating area.
The door below, struck me like the Bierstadt painting in the National Gallery ( 1/8/2011 ) a place I could sit for hours and record people interacting.
Fresh roasted chestnuts vendor:
Translated: The central gate stood here from the early Middle Ages to 1827. I always thought some people were religious about their Starbucks…now I have proof.
By the time I reached the end I was so exhausted, I had to take a cab back to the hotel…it cost $14.00.