From the camera of Merrilee Adler (with Tinky Winky in tow). You can purchase images by contacting the artist via email.
Lincoln’s Tomb – 30 APR 2011
Located in the Oak Ridge Cemetery (Springfield, IL), Lincoln’s Tomb makes this cemetery the second most visted cemetery in the United States (Arlington being the first). It’s the only cemetery I’ve visted that has restroom facilites in the parking lot. (Arlington has them in the gift shop.) Walking up from the parking lot you are first greeted by the Cartaker’s Residence. Then you look over and see this:There is a plaza in front with an Lincoln Head:Tinky Winky chooses to rub his beard instead of the popular nose:The tomb is very large and made up of several rooms…the first being the rotunda where I was greeted by a security guard. There is a Bronze cast of the model of Daniel Chester French’s sculpture of Lincoln, the sitting image from his Memorial in Washington DC. This is the trim above the front door:Two long corridors (one on each side of the room) lead to the burial room. Along the way there several statues of Lincoln depicting different periods in his life. The south wall of the burial room holds his family:His only child to survive to adulthood, Robert Todd Lincoln is buried in Arlington. The marble sarcophagus does not hold his body; it is located in a cement vault 10 feet below the surface.Around the hill from the parking lot is this: