From the camera of Merrilee Adler (with Tinky Winky in tow). You can purchase images by contacting the artist via email.
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, IL – 30 APR 2011
At 365 acres, Oak Ridge Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Illinois. It was first used in 1858 and is still an active cemetery today. Besides holding the remains of the 13th President, they have impressive memorials for the Koren War, WWII and the Illinois Vietnam Veterans. If you've seen my work on Flickr, you know my passion is photographing cemetery angels, that being said, this was one of the most Angel-less cemeteries I’ve ever visited. Here are the images of interest I was able to find:This looks like a candidate for my 'Sisters of Sorrow' series:
Bottom of the pedestal:Below is Mrs. Rayburn: These last images are of the final resting place for John Riley Tanner – Governor of Illinois from 1897 to 1901: Does it bring you luck to have your coins land inside the grave?