The South Bay Quilters Guild celebrated their 40th anniversary with a festive quilt show. With over 160 items on display, I only captured those that caught my eye or fit my tastes. Their featured quilter, Lois Pio had 19 items on display:
Hand in Hand by Lois Pio |
Scrappy Hearts for Kelsey by Lois Pio |
There were nine categories. Under "Applique":
A Yo Yo Study by Roberta Tom |
Blooming Beauties by Mary Jane Jewell |
Close-up Blooming Beauties |
Flower Power Bear by Nancy Payne |
Simple Gifts by Eileen Rossick
First Time Blue Ribbon |
Close-up Simple Gifts |
Under "Art Quilts":
Artichoke 3 Ways by Alexandera Tsubota |
Emerging Eccentric Elltiptical Eods by Stephania Bommarito |
Close-up Emerging Eccentric Elltiptical Eods |
Under "Modern":
Amish with a Modern Twist by Pam Overton |
Bright Beads on a String by Patricia Kytlica
First Time Blue Ribbon |
Skyline Reflected by Pam Overton |
Smile by Sally Fasteau
First Time Blue Ribbon |
Tangled Geese by Fanny Tsao |
Wonky Log Cabin BOM by LaVerne Owen-Barakat |
The above quilt caught my eye because Log Cabin is my favorite pattern and the only one I've ever made. Here's one of my panels made from antique men's ties and turned into a pillow:
My Log Cabin |
Under "Mixed Techniques":
Boo Boo's Kitties by Rain Burch |
Fly with Me by Patricia Kytlica |
Mariner's Star:Passage to Japan by Nadine Kirk |
Peaceful Galaxy by Rose Ornoto |
Pineapple Punch! by Kimberly Einmo
First Time Blue Ribbon |
Spring Dresden Garden by Carol Rigg |
Sew in Love by Linda Flynn |
Close-up Sew in Love |
The "Potpourri" category had odds and ends such as a table runner, a vest and these wonderful cushions made by different people:
Crazy Cushion by Sally Fasteau, Karen Rakita
My Crazy Cushion by Pat Bryan, Pam Overton |
And this item:
Is it Halloween Yet? by Joanne English |
In the "Pieced - Large" category:
Caution: Blue Tongue Crossing by Vivian Ruddy |
Wicked Wisdom by Angele Ryan |
Close-up Wicked Wisdom |
My Dyslexic Kaffe Quilt by Eileen Rossick
I didn't capture any items from "Pieced - Medium" but here's one from "Pieced - Small":
Twister Bunny by Wendy Petri |
Back side of Twister Bunny |
The last category was "Ruby Challenge" where the quilters made a 24" x 24" piece using the color Ruby (anything from pink to deep red) and had to include 40 in some fashion such as 40 stitched, 40 squares, 40 buttons, the number 40 (which could be Roman numeral):
Ruby Sparkler by Nancy Valencia
First Time Blue Ribbon |
40 Rubious Hexangular Jubile-oons by Stephania Bommarito |
A Dresden Sewing Billage by Patricia Kytlica
First Time Blue Ribbon |
Forty Rubys by Ethie Wilson |
Ruby Flamingo by Jenifer Briggs |
Times Have Changed by Gini Ozenne |
Close-up of Times Have Changed |
Ruby Mandala by Kellie Rollo-Fireman |
40 Spools by Fanny Tsao |
They had several volunteers with gloves who could turn a quilt corner up to view the underside; I enjoyed their cleaver "Don't Touch" signs as much as the display quilts: