I read an article about a Centennial Aviation Day celebration, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first Aviation Meet held in the United States (the second in the world). It was taking place a few miles away at Dominguez Ranch and I thought it would be fun to check it out...finding it was another story. I had verified the address on their website but found my car's navigation system did not recognize Rancho Dominguez as a valid city. There were four of us in the car and we figured we knew the address was on Alameda, all we needed to do was drive down Alameda until we found it. Not quite. The address was on South Alameda but the street signs were labeled East and West Alameda, plus the street was divided by walled railroad tracks and we couldn't tell if we had taken the right fork in the road...after much frustration and arguing we decided to head over to the Dominguez University campus to find someone who could tell us where this event was taking place. On our way to the information booth, we found a parking lot attendant collection money for the Aviation Meet parking. After driving around for half an hour we found, by accident, you needed to park at the college and take a shuttle bus over to the Ranch which was just around the corner on one of the streets we had driven down. As we arrived, we saw this bi-plan but it turned out to be the only one, to be seen, all day.
There were several vintage automobiles...
...some with traditional hood ornaments...