Emily Dickinson Garden Tour, Amherst, MA – 17 AUG 2013

I returned to the Emily Dickinson Museum to take the “Grounds of Memory” landscape audio tour. Here are some of the images I captured along with excerpts from several of her poems.
"Because the Bee may blameless hum 
 For Thee a Bee do I become 
 List even onto Me."
"I tend my flowers for thee—
  Bright Absentee!"
"My Fuchsia's Coral Seams
Rip while the Sower dreams"
"As if some little Arctic flower
  Upon the polar hem—"
"The Veins of other Flowers
  The Scarlet Flowers are
Till Nature leisure has for Terms 
As 'Branch,' and 'Jugular.'"
"There came a Day at Summer's full,
  Entirely for me—
I thought that such were for the Saints
Where Resurrections—be—"
"A Burdock—clawed my Gown—  
 Not Burdock's—blame—
 But mine—
 Who went too near
 The Burdock's Den—"
"I robbed the Woods—
  The trusting Woods. 
 The unsuspecting Trees 
 Brought out their Burs and mosses 
 My fantasy to please. 
What will the solemn Hemlock—
What will the Oak tree say?"
"The Trees like Tassels—hit—and swung—
 There seemed to rise a Tune 
 From the Miniature Creatures 
 Accompanying the Sun"
And I made a new Friend: