Old Salem - 12 JAN 2008

Today we went to old Salem…it’s the oldest part of town where the Moravians started the city and several houses still exist. Some are private residents but others are open to the public where people dressed in period cloths demonstrate how life was lived in the 1700’s.
Tinky Winky got into the shades of the past…and also a little trouble by looking into a ceramic birdhouse and getting stuck! Sort of reminds me of Winnie the Pooh and the honey pot.
TW had to stay in a locker when I toured the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA). This was the most unique museum I’ve ever seen! A guide walks you through 24 period rooms (covering 1680 to 1820) which are not roped off and the artifacts are open (no cases) for viewing up close and personal. It’s the only museum dedicated to exhibiting and researching original decorative arts of the early South (showcasing furniture, painting, textiles, ceramics, etc). Since it was the winter I was in a tour group of one. This allow me to ask all the questions I wanted and I just had the best time talking with my guide. One of the rooms had a desk like in the movie ‘National Treasure’ which requires special settings to unlock hidden compartments. 
After old Salem I found a cemetery and a couple of “Roadside America” items.