From the camera of Merrilee Adler (with Tinky Winky in tow). You can purchase images by contacting the artist via email.
Sunken Rock Island and Lighthouse – 28 SEP 2010
Built in 1847, it marks a dangerous rock formation just below the water. The island, which was built up to provide a foundation for the boathouse and light, but it is so small a keepers dwelling was never built. Keepers live on the main land and would row out each morning to extinguish the light and cover the Fresnel lens, returning in the evening to reverse the process. The lighthouse was solarized in 1988 and now belongs to the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corp., an agency of the Department of Transportation. Despite the lighthouse (and modern navigational equipment) a cargo ship, the Roy A Jodrey, was destroyed by this sunken hazard in 1974. Boldt Castle: This is the Power House located to the right side of the island: Didn't see much of a sunset but the clouds were great:
I when with the guys from work to the Bonnie Castle Restaurant for dinner.
Tried some black & white night shots but digital just doesn't have the punch of film: